Why Root to Rise?

Root to rise is about finding your foundation — a grounded place within you, rooted in self love, honesty, and awareness — and moving through life from there. It’s about rooting yourself so you can embrace life fearlessly and tenaciously.  

Root to rise is also about cultivating health and happiness from the ground up, starting with the food we eat.  What we put into our body matters and ultimately contributes to how we navigate and experience ourselves and others. Real, nutrient-rich whole foods offer benefits that lead to a healthy and flourishing mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

We have so many opportunities to stray from our foundation given the pace and distractions of modern life. It is when we can focus and channel our energy inward that we are able to clear the fog and move forward into our day with confidence and clarity. 

My mission is to provide you with personalized wellness services -- to enhance your cooking skills, improve your diet, increase your physical activity, and to support you in discovering the talents you already possess. You have everything you need to begin a realistic and sustainable lifelong journey to honor your body, mind, and soul in the pursuit of achieving your personal goals and I look forward to walking that path with you.
